What Does Consistency Look Like?
What does it mean to be consistent?
Is it doing the same thing every day?
Is it showing up for the things you say you’re going to do?
More importantly, how do you respond to yourself when you’re inconsistent?
That's the part that has the strongest impact on you, the way you treat yourself when you’re inconsistent.
When you're consistent and showing up, doing things you say you're going to do you give yourself positive reinforcement. That puts you in a good headspace and it feels easy to be consistent.
What happens the second you miss? Does your inner critic come on full blast and throw you into a tailspin? Then you end up not only missing the thing you're trying to do, you miss 12 other things and you feel like crap.
“Ships in harbor are safe, but that's not what ships are built for.”
- John A. Shedd
There were many months that I consistently meditated every day. It felt so good and then there was a day that I missed.
I don't remember why I missed that one day of meditation. I might have been having a really awesome day with my family. I might have had a really early morning meeting that I didn't want to go to or I may have forgotten for a bazillion different reasons.
What mattered was that I gave myself permission to miss.
I acknowledged that sh*t happens, life happens and if we end up missing a day, it's not the end of the world.
There are plenty of other days to step forward and do that thing that you're trying to do.
So if you're trying to form a new habit as we move into this new year, I offer you the gift of kindness. Give yourself permission to miss.
It's okay to be messy.
It's okay to set goals.
It's okay to love yourself.
You are the most important person to yourself and your inner critic.
Journaling prompt: What are you telling yourself when you're inconsistent?
P.S. I made an Instagram Reel all about consistency, watch it here.
P.P.S. I've got 2 spots open for private coaching clients in January. If you're wanting consistency, focus, and trust in yourself for this new year, book a free consultation to get started.
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.