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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    Getting Lost is a Good Thing

    When shoulds rule your life it’s hard to tell what you really want. You feel conflicted, uncertain, and second guess every decision you make. It’s no fun to be stuck in the shoulds. Instead get crystal clear on who you are and what you want, here’s how.

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    The Magic of Teeny Tiny Joys

    We get stuck in our negative mind spaces. The “shoulds” take over, the “can’ts” have you backing into a corner, and the “I just want to hide under my fuzziest blanket all day” have you distracted instead of writing that email that you have to send out today. The good news is that you don’t have to stay stuck in those negative places. Here’s how.

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    Journaling Kerstin Phillips Journaling Kerstin Phillips

    How to Get Things Done

    When a million thoughts pop up each time you want to try something new, about how difficult it’s going to be, allllllll the things that can go wrong, and how you’re just not ready, that’s your reptilian brain at work.

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    Boundaries Kerstin Phillips Boundaries Kerstin Phillips

    What Does Consistency Look Like?

    What does it mean to be consistent? Is it doing the same thing every day? Is it showing up for the things you say you’re going to do? More importantly the part that has the strongest impact on you is how you respond to yourself when you’re inconsistent.

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