What to Do When Things Don’t Go as Planned
Missing is a good thing.
If everything went perfectly all the time, life would be sooooooo boring!
“Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
My career path is a beautiful journey of throwing myself at the ground and missing.
Anyone else go from lifeguard/swim instructor to environmental educator to group home counselor to accountant to yoga teacher to yoga teacher trainer to office manager to life coach to journaling instructor (while still being a yoga teacher)?
That wasn’t the plan. And that’s Ok. The journey, the experiences, each lead me to the next best thing.
Now, I’m rebranding myself as the Boundaries Coach and stepping into a more active role in Nathan’s photography business (we’re making it a family business).
Those feel right and if I hadn’t gone through all of that other stuff, I wouldn’t know that.
I used to be terrified of making mistakes. I wanted everything to be perfect because I didn't want to feel like that 9 year old version of myself that was teased all the time because I was different, because I was weird.
Now I celebrate my weird, my love for shenanigans, and my deep container of unconditional love.
We went to a memorial service this past weekend for a family friend and I was struck with this feeling when the wife of the deceased said that her husband was the first and only person in her life to give her unconditional love. She’d never experienced it as a child and none of her friends had offered it to her. That part hit home for me.
Everyone deserves unconditional love and doesn’t have to be restricted to your partner, that’s a space that your friends can fill too.
It’s a space that I fill as The Boundaries Coach, where I offer unconditional love by listening without judgment, asking questions instead of assuming, and holding safe space so you can feel held and understood.
There's an art to life of not living in a straight line.
Society tries to keep us in a straight line, but we’re just not wired that way. We need to wiggle, speak in tangents, and try new things. That’s where the magical growth happens.
Journaling Prompt: When have you thrown yourself at the ground and missed?
P.S. I’ve added something new this week!
A new section called, A few of my favorite things, where I share just that, my favorite things that I use in my life and my work that I think you would enjoy too. Some of these links will be affiliates and I’ll never recommend something that I don’t use myself. Scroll down to check out the first one!
A Few of My Favorite Things
where I share my favorite things that I use in my life and my work that I think you would enjoy too. Some of these links are affiliates and I’ll never recommend anything that I don’t use myself.
This week's favorite thing: Green Darjeeling Tea from YesYourMajestea
First, before I had this tea I didn't know that there was a green Darjeeling tea! I thought all Darjeeling's were black teas.
Second, this is my go to tea when I'm feeling extra sleepy and need to teach yoga. It perks me up and gets my brain going.
Bonus, because it's loose leaf you can resteep the tea leaves multiple times! (aka more bang for your buck)
I'm a huuuuuuuge fan of YesYourMajestea, they're a small business in Southern California that donates 15% of their profits to Ukraine. The owner Kseniya, is a tea sommelier with vast tea knowledge. I rely on her when I want to try new teas. Be sure to mention my name when you ask her a question or place an order.
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