You Don’t Have to Be Nice
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.
Pisces Season = Boundary Season
Pisces season is all about your one-on-one connections with allllllll the people in your life: partners, besties, colleagues, therapist, etc. That means it's essential to BYOB(oundaries). So how do you know if you’ve got healthy boundaries or not?
Coping Mechanisms: Besties or Frenemies?
Our brains crave consistency. They want us to keep doing what we’re doing because it feels normal, predictable, and we’ve already got solid coping mechanisms in place. But are those coping mechanisms serving you?
Part 6: How to Find Your People | Your Favorite Bunch of Weirdos
Community is a human need. We need our village to support us, but what do you do when you don’t feel supported or you struggle to find the people that really get you?
Part 3: How to build trust in yourself
Nothing is wrong with me. My limiting beliefs took over, which is a normal human thing that happens. AND there’s something I could do about it. To build trust in yourself, you gotta reprogram the negative voice in your head, here's how.
Part 2: How to Bravely Invite People to Hang Out
How do you know who you want to hang out with, let alone ask them to hang out? Here are a few simple tips to know who you want to spend more time with and how to make it happen.
Part 1: Are my Friends Energy Drains or Energy Gains?
It’s easier to see the things that bother us, because they irk us, the conversations and what-ifs linger in our heads, so you gotta look a little bit harder to see the things that do the opposite. Are you surrounded by energy drainers or energy givers?
Getting Lost is a Good Thing
When shoulds rule your life it’s hard to tell what you really want. You feel conflicted, uncertain, and second guess every decision you make. It’s no fun to be stuck in the shoulds. Instead get crystal clear on who you are and what you want, here’s how.
When I Should Have Freaked Out, But Didn’t
Anxiety is normal, it affects all of us. It’s only a challenge when it debilitates you and stops you from living your life and being the person you secretly want to be. Here’s when I realized that I anxiety is something I experience from time to time, it doesn’t define who I am.
New Habits Start with Teeny Tiny Joys
Change feels hard because your brain resists change. Teeny tiny joys are the key to unlocking what’s blocking you and forming new habits that last.
My Imperfections are My Superpowers
Your imperfections are the things that make you, YOU. When you embrace them they become your superpowers.
Shoulds and Assumptions are Besties
In order to banish your shoulds you have to unpack your assumptions first.
Part 3: How to Banish the Should-Storm
When you say “I should” or “I'm supposed to” it's because you're feeling guilt, a sense of obligation, or potential embarrassment.
Part 2: How to Banish the Should-Storm
Shoulds come from external sources. When you say, “I should” that's a sign that you're pushing away what you really want. It’s time to banish your shoulds.
How to Banish the Should-Storm
Most women live in the toxic shoulds. Shoulds keep you feeling stuck, blocked, and like you are incapable of doing things that you’re good at. Let’s kick your shoulds to the curb.
How to Set a Boundary with Difficult People
What do we do when we desperately want to set a boundary, but we don’t think the other person is going to be receptive? First, you get them to agree with you and that’s easier than you think.
How I Set a Boundary With My Husband
I’m an extroverted introvert. I need silence for my own self care and that can feel challenging when you have a chatty husband that wants to share stuff with you ALL the dang time. Don’t get me wrong, I love him dearly AND I need my hermit time.
Your Inner Critic Isn’t the Enemy
Oof, we lie to ourselves all the freakin time and don’t even realize it! Thanks to your inner critic.
Wisdom From Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome hit me today, here’s how I worked through it.
The 3 Biggest Myths About Boundaries
Let’s bust the 3 biggest myths about boundaries so you can feel clear about what they are and what they’re not.