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    Boundaries Kerstin Phillips Boundaries Kerstin Phillips

    Pisces Season = Boundary Season

    Pisces season is all about your one-on-one connections with allllllll the people in your life: partners, besties, colleagues, therapist, etc. That means it's essential to BYOB(oundaries). So how do you know if you’ve got healthy boundaries or not?

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    Kerstin Phillips Kerstin Phillips

    Part 1: Are my Friends Energy Drains or Energy Gains?

    It’s easier to see the things that bother us, because they irk us, the conversations and what-ifs linger in our heads, so you gotta look a little bit harder to see the things that do the opposite. Are you surrounded by energy drainers or energy givers?

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    Getting Lost is a Good Thing

    When shoulds rule your life it’s hard to tell what you really want. You feel conflicted, uncertain, and second guess every decision you make. It’s no fun to be stuck in the shoulds. Instead get crystal clear on who you are and what you want, here’s how.

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    Boundaries Kerstin Phillips Boundaries Kerstin Phillips

    How I Set a Boundary With My Husband

    I’m an extroverted introvert. I need silence for my own self care and that can feel challenging when you have a chatty husband that wants to share stuff with you ALL the dang time. Don’t get me wrong, I love him dearly AND I need my hermit time.

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