Pisces Season = Boundary Season
In order to know yourself, feel solid in your relationships, and comfortable in your own skin, you gotta have boundaries. Without them you can feel super ick all the time.
It’s the start of Pisces season, which is all about your one-on-one connections with allllllll the people in your life: partners, besties, colleagues, therapist, etc. That means it's essential to BYOB(oundaries).
How to tell if you've got solid boundaries:
You've got solid healthy boundaries if…
You feel empowered and heard in your relationships
You feel grounded in your work/career, it fulfills you on a daily basis
Difficult family members don’t bother you
You’ve got a solid routine, and easily make time for the things you enjoy
Your boundaries need a boost if…
You feel like a doormat is most of your relationships
Frustration rules your day
Difficult decisions drag on you like an unravelling sweater stuck on a nail
Your primary thought (motivation behind your actions) is that you don’t want to upset or hurt anyone
You struggle to talk openly with your partner especially about the hard stuff
Which one best describes you: you've got solid healthy boundaries or your boundaries need a boost?
What's the state of your boundaries?
Let’s leave guilt out of it, and take an honest assessment.
I don't normally do this, but I feel called to offer an extension. So if your boundaries need a boost and you're reading this before February 23rd, please accept this as your personal invite to join Boundaries & Balance, my 6-week program to discover your true self, fearlessly. Where we'll boost your boundaries, help you ground in your true self (or define your true self if they’re feeling elusive) and ditch the frustration that rules your day.
To RSVP, email Kerstin before February 23rd and say “ my boundaries need a boost.” I'll reply back with details and next steps.
Wouldn't it feel better…
for the difficult convos with your partner to feel not-so-difficult? Those convos become easy when you have solid and healthy boundaries.
to stop being triggered by difficult family members? Learn how to let that sh*t roll off your back, rather than stewing on it for the next month and a half.
to have a solid routine and easily make time for the things you enjoy? That's all about setting healthy boundaries with yourself, because the easiest person to break a boundary with is YOU.
So let's stop breaking promises to ourselves, so you can feel empowered, confident, and like the badass human that you are.
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.