You Don’t Have to Be Nice
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.
Set Intentions, Not Resolutions
I want something different for next year. I’m not one for setting resolutions, I gave up on them years ago, I don’t really see the point of trying to make a change that won’t stick.
Part 5: The Trick to Vulnerability
Being vulnerable isn’t easy. It takes practice, discipline, and courage.
Being vulnerable can feel icky, like there’s a spotlight on you, and it can feel glorious when someone gets you for the first time in your life (and I mean gets you gets you).
Part 3: How to build trust in yourself
Nothing is wrong with me. My limiting beliefs took over, which is a normal human thing that happens. AND there’s something I could do about it. To build trust in yourself, you gotta reprogram the negative voice in your head, here's how.
How I Reset my Vertigo
I woke up with vertigo…again. It wasn’t too bad, just mild dizziness, but that’s enough to affect my day. Here’s how I reset.
Getting Lost is a Good Thing
When shoulds rule your life it’s hard to tell what you really want. You feel conflicted, uncertain, and second guess every decision you make. It’s no fun to be stuck in the shoulds. Instead get crystal clear on who you are and what you want, here’s how.
When I Should Have Freaked Out, But Didn’t
Anxiety is normal, it affects all of us. It’s only a challenge when it debilitates you and stops you from living your life and being the person you secretly want to be. Here’s when I realized that I anxiety is something I experience from time to time, it doesn’t define who I am.
New Habits Start with Teeny Tiny Joys
Change feels hard because your brain resists change. Teeny tiny joys are the key to unlocking what’s blocking you and forming new habits that last.
The Magic of Teeny Tiny Joys
We get stuck in our negative mind spaces. The “shoulds” take over, the “can’ts” have you backing into a corner, and the “I just want to hide under my fuzziest blanket all day” have you distracted instead of writing that email that you have to send out today. The good news is that you don’t have to stay stuck in those negative places. Here’s how.
Am I a Morning Person Now?!
I’ve never considered myself a morning person and labeled myself a night owl. Then, something shifted in me, getting up early doesn’t feel so awful and I actually want to! Which has me asking, who am I?! Where did this early morning person come from?
How I Meditated for 122 Days in a Row
Consistency is easier than you think. It’s not motivation or lack of desire that gets in the way. It’s your habits, the things you do on autopilot that make or break your consistency. Here’s the trick that kept me consistent.
Shoulds and Assumptions are Besties
In order to banish your shoulds you have to unpack your assumptions first.
Part 3: How to Banish the Should-Storm
When you say “I should” or “I'm supposed to” it's because you're feeling guilt, a sense of obligation, or potential embarrassment.
Part 2: How to Banish the Should-Storm
Shoulds come from external sources. When you say, “I should” that's a sign that you're pushing away what you really want. It’s time to banish your shoulds.
How to Banish the Should-Storm
Most women live in the toxic shoulds. Shoulds keep you feeling stuck, blocked, and like you are incapable of doing things that you’re good at. Let’s kick your shoulds to the curb.
Your Inner Critic Isn’t the Enemy
Oof, we lie to ourselves all the freakin time and don’t even realize it! Thanks to your inner critic.
Wisdom From Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome hit me today, here’s how I worked through it.
Momentum Gets a Bad Rap
Momentum gets a bad rap because we think we have to be at 100% in order to be moving forward.
I Lost My Fork During Scattergories
Yes you read that right and no, fork isn’t a euphemism.
Adulting Feels Hard
Perfectionism is the bane of my existence and I’m stuck in the procrastination-perfectionism loop!