Getting Lost is a Good Thing
When shoulds rule your life it’s hard to tell what you really want. You feel conflicted, uncertain, and second guess every decision you make. It’s no fun to be stuck in the shoulds.
What’s the best way to banish the shoulds?
Get crystal clear on who you are and what you want. Set firm boundaries around your non-negotiables. Lean into the things that nourish you.
But what do you do when you don’t know who you are, feel unsure of what you want, or feel so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start?
Start small.
What things do you enjoy doing that fill your cup, recharge your batteries, and make you feel like you? (think about things you can do in 15 minutes or less)
“It's ok to get lost every once in a while, sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves”
- Robert Tew
I loooooooooove getting lost in a good book. Fantasy and murder mysteries with badass female characters have me turning page after page.
I love wandering through bookstores, even if I don’t buy anything. Picking up random books and feeling their pages brings me endless joy. What is it about the feel of paper that’s pure magic?!
Dancing, especially in my living room when I have the house to myself, is my favorite recharge/reset. I jump around like a crazy person, making up moves as I go. I feel so free in those moments and I can let go of the sh*t that’s keeping me stuck.
Taking a boba hike with my family, where we stop at our favorite boba tea place on Telegraph Ave. and then take a hike at Inspiration Point in Tilden. We reconnect as a family and we get that awesome reset that happens when you’re in nature.
Playing games with my family gives me a feeling of connection and fun. I love playing a princess matching game with my daughter, which usually results in hysterical chaos. I’m also a big fan of the word games Boggle and Quiddler, the challenge is convincing the family to play those instead of Uno or Uno Flip.
My daily meditation fills my cup. Technically the mediation that I follow is a 20 minute practice, but I made a decision over a year ago to meditation for 10 minutes instead. I knew that 20 minutes was going to be too much of a hurdle especially when I was chronically late in the mornings. Even now my daily mediation is between 7 and 10 minutes long. I feel sooooo much better afterwards. The tension leaves my shoulders, my breathing feels easeful, and my day feels less overwhelming.
Journaling Prompt: What are the things that nourish you, light you up, charge your batteries, and make you feel like the real you?
P.S. The people around you matter too. 💕 You can’t always choose who is in your life, you can choose how much time you spend with them. If you’re wanting a new crew that’s unconditionally there for you, accepts you for the real you, and fully embraces your weird, then stay tuned for more info on CommuniTea, the weekly journaling group.
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.