The Magic of Teeny Tiny Joys
Your brain is wired to focus on the negatives, it’s what kept us safe back when we lived in caves. If we were thinking about moving caves, our brains would stop us because it could mean shacking up with a saber-toothed tiger, which would not end well for us.
The consequence in modern day is that we get stuck in our negative mind spaces. We feel trapped by our inner monologue of gotta-do-all-the-things plus the 20 more things we just thought of.
That’s when the “shoulds” take over, the “can’ts” have you backing into a corner, and the “I just want to hide under my fuzziest blanket all day” have you distracted instead of writing that email that you have to send out today.
The good news is that you don’t have to stay stuck in those negative places.
There’s a way out and it's easier than you think.
“Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.”
- Joseph Campbell
Focus on the teeny tiny joys in your day. Make those small things feel important and special and notice your whole demeanor change.
What’s a teeny tiny joy?
Your favorite yoga pants are clean!
You made it to a yoga class.
Your 9am meeting was canceled.
Your best friend sent you a text.
Your favorite tea is back in stock.
Your kid gave you a hug.
Your partner bought you the newest book in that series you’ve both been reading.
You got all green lights on your drive to work.
Teeny tiny joys happen all the time! We ignore them when we’re too focused on what we’re not doing, instead of what we are doing.
When you notice a joy, take 30 seconds and acknowledge it with a smile or a warm feeling in your body. Whisper thank you to the universe.
The more joys you notice and acknowledge, the more you’ll see and all the other crap on your plate will start to feel easier and less burdensome too.
Journaling Prompt: What joys are you experiencing today?
P.S. Celebrating joys is an important part of my weekly journaling group, CommuniTea. I’ll be sharing more about CommuniTea in the months ahead AND there will be a very special discount in August, in honor of my birthday. Stay in the loop and get your free journaling guide here. 💕
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.