How Journaling Saved Me
I was cut off from my yoga community, my safe space of support, and I didn’t know how to find that on my own. I felt so lost.
How to Get Things Done
When a million thoughts pop up each time you want to try something new, about how difficult it’s going to be, allllllll the things that can go wrong, and how you’re just not ready, that’s your reptilian brain at work.
It’s My Birthday and I’m Feeling All the Feels
Negative emotions get a bad rap because they make you feel uncomfortable, feel things you “shouldn’t feel” or “shouldn’t be bothered by.” The truth is, your feelings are REAL, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
How to Find Real Friends aka My Favorite Bunch of Weirdos
We are wonderfully human, with flaws, imperfections, and the need to belong. But so often we focus on trying to be perfect and hide our flaws in order to fit in, to feel like we belong. What if we’ve got it backwards? What if the best way to feel the most belonging is to
The Easy Way to Try Something New
Feeling stuck, bored, or broken isn't a sign that anything is wrong with you, it's just a sign that you need a change. That change doesn't have to be big or scary, it could be as simple as
The Best Journaling Prompt
When you're working on a project are you more likely to stand there spinning your wheels or are you taking conscious action? If you're constantly keeping herself busy and distracted you might miss the most important cue.
Is My Inner Critic on My Side?
We've all got voices in our head and those voices want to help, but not all of them are helpful. So how do you tell the difference between a helpful and a not so helpful inner voice?
What’s Slow Start vs. Quick Start?
I'm what you call a slow start human, rather than a quick start. I tend to over plan, think things through, and take a looooong time to finish things. This goes back to
What Frustration Really Means
True confession, I don't enjoy teaching yoga online. It was something I felt that I should do because I'm a yoga teacher and we had the whole pandemic thing and so therefore I need to teach online yoga so that more people have access to my classes. I felt frustrated and annoyed, which meant I was ignoring the signs that
How to Understand Subconscious Beliefs
Did you know that I’m a nerd? I am, I love star wars, I love spreadsheets, and love solving puzzles! Both the cardboard kind you assemble on the table and like the ones in the video game Myst, (that most folks renamed Pyst because they couldn’t solve those puzzles). That’s the kind of nerd I am. I’m a nerd when it comes to my weekly quotes too.
The 4 Biggest Myths About Journaling
I’m debunking the 4 BIGGEST MYTHS ABOUT JOURNALING, right now...
Myth #1 You need at least 20 minutes to journal properly. Nope! You don’t need that much time. How much time do you need? Well that depends on
How to Move Forward Instead of Feeling Stuck in the Past
The first time I fell hard was in first grade, I was six years old. I was attempting a trick on the bars and I fell in Tanbark. If you’ve never experienced the annoying agony that is tanbark then
How Matching Red Skirts Started a Friendship
“It takes both sides to build a bridge“ - Fredrik Nael. One of my best friends, Susan and I built a deep trust from an early age. We first bonded over fashion in the first grade. The recess bell rang and
How Journaling Helped Me Through 2020
At the beginning of shelter in place I needed to do an hour of yoga everyday just to make it through the day. That wasn't going to be sustainable sharing our open floor plan house with the other two humans in my family. I needed something else that I would help me cope, work through the troubled thoughts in my head, and keep me from shutting down completely.
How to Calm Anxiety
A mentor encouraged me to hold onto the calm-clarity feeling whenever it showed up. But that feeling was elusive and rare like a snow leopard.