How to Move Forward Instead of Feeling Stuck in the Past
The ground or floor is never that far away. It's a place to land and regroup, a place to find your footing, a place to stretch, breathe, and find a way back up. The ground offers you a restart, a reboot, like a support network that can help you move forward instead of feeling stuck in the past.
The first time I fell hard was in first grade, I was six years old. I was attempting a trick on the bars and I fell in Tanbark. If you’ve never experienced the annoying agony that is tanbark you are very very very very very lucky. It's basically a bunch of wood chips underneath the play structure designed to cushion your fall. But when you do fall, those little bits of wood get everywhere and stick to you like velcro!
That fall frightened me.
I was so terrified I never tried another trick on the bars! Ever!
Even though my friends encouraged me, even promised to spot and support me, I continued to say no. Can you imagine that? Little six-year-old me refusing to play? Refusing to get back up and try again? I must have been so terrified.
What was I really afraid of?
Looking back on that moment I see how risk-averse I was and still am. My parents taught me that no risk was worth it, ever. So no wonder I've struggled to be successful when I'm too terrified to get back up on the bars so to speak. When I think about it, I feel a deep wounded feeling in my belly.
So where do I go from here?
Well, for me I open up my journal. That's where I explore and learn more about myself. That's always my first step.
And if that doesn't give me the answer that I seek I then reach out for more support. That might mean talking with one of my best friends, hiring a new coach, or working with my therapist. Each of those offerings of support helps me process.
They help me understand myself better so that I can move forward instead of feeling stuck in the past.
I'm writing a new story and a new rule book for my life. One that allows me to be me.
What things are in my rule book?
Embrace opportunity
Be kind even when you don't feel like it
Notice the sensations in your body and use that knowledge to inform your actions
Find those that love you unconditionally and nurture those relationships
Be the badass goddess dragon that you are deep inside.
My support network looks like journaling, asking the universe for help, asking the people in my life for help, and being who I really am.
What's your support network?
If you're seeking a support network with unconditional love, the best kind of giggles, and a safe space for introverts, then CommuniTea is for you! There are just 4 spots open. Learn more about CommuniTea HERE. CommuniTea, a Safe Space for Introverts to Feel Grounded and Understood
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.