Why does fear keep me stuck?
The ancient reptilian part of your brain is scared all the freaking time. That's its job.
It's job is to be scared to keep you safe. But that means that it's stopping you from doing 98% of the things you really want to do. It’s holding you back time and time again.
When you're stuck in this place of no I can't do that, that's a great time to ask yourself “well can I?”
Yes there are things that would be impossible to do, like fly unassisted. You need some sort of mechanical device to fly. Our bodies were not made like birds, we can't fly.
What about switching careers? Moving to France? Investing in Bitcoin? Those might be things that scare you.
What do you notice in your body right now? Did you just tighten up at the thought of doing one of those things?
Which one scared you the most? ⬆️ That’s the thing to get curious about. That’s likely the thing you most want to doand therefore your reptilian brain is throwing up all the stops.
I am scared sh*tless that becoming successful will turn me into an egomaniac that no longer cares for other people.
Let’s back up a hot second because in order to understand what's really blocking me, I gotta know, what do I consider being successful?
For me, success would be 4 x one-on-one coaching clients every month, filling my group programs of CommuniTea and Ditch Your Doubts, and passive income through my meditations on Insight Timer. Success means being in a wealth bracket I've never been in before and being able to donate on the regular, to the charities near and dear to my heart which at this moment in time includes supporting abortion access, trans youth, and marginalized folks.
What's stopping me from having success? My brain.
My brain wants to keep my predictable routine, so it can keep me safe from saber toothed tigers.
And my brain knows that one of my greatest fears is becoming a selfish douchebag. So my brain tied this desire of being successful to my greatest fear (of becoming a selfish toothbag).
My brain tells me stories that people that make a lot of money are douchebags, out of touch, selfish, and rude.
Because my brain wants to keep me safe!
Now with that knowledge I can unpack this fear based belief so that eventually I can change it.
Re-write it so I can tie my desire of being successful to being confident. That it’s my confidence that propels my success and not fear that holds me back.
When you have oodles of confidence this whole fear thing doesn't stop you in the same way.
You're more open to trying new things. You're more open to meeting new people. You are more open to simply living your life the way you want to. Those sound like good things to me. So as I seek success I’ll continue to work on me, unpack the fears and beliefs that hold me back so I can step forward more easily.
What’s your brain telling you, you can’t do?
Explore your inner beliefs through journaling. There’s a safe and simple way to journal, it’s called Thoughtful Journaling. Get the Thoughtful Journaling Guide and learn the five step steps to journal so that it feels good (and you can trust yourself on the page). This guide is great for those that love to read when learning new things. Get the Thoughtful Journaling Guide HERE.
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.