How to Experience More Joy
Your thoughts, actions, and feelings all have energy behind them.
It can be as simple as a compliment, bringing someone their tea that they left in the kitchen, or offering a smile to someone you care about. Each time you offer a bit of love, joy, or simply acknowledgement of another human, you give yourself those same sentiments.
There's a domino effect that happens when you bring joy to someone.
I used to be so stuck in the negativity spiral of worry, that I was really bad at receiving compliments. I’d instantly feel like I needed to give a compliment back, but they’d never feel genuine and both myself and the other person would feel a little weird after the exchange. So I started doing something different, something really simple.
Instead of trying to come up with an ingenuine compliment on the fly, I simply said thank you.
Over time I said thank you and smiled, that was a huge step for me. Each time I said thank you the other person felt seen and heard (which is something we all need more of it our hustle-social media culture). They got to experience that piece of joy, gratitude, or whatever I felt in that moment. So the more I could sit in the complement and simply say thank you, the better we both felt.
What do you notice when you give a compliment?
We can all use more moments of feeling seen, heard, and understood.
Often our own minds feel like they’re battling us, especially when we feel like we have to show up a certain way or be someone that we’re not just to do the things we’re supposed to do.
You’re not alone and you don’t need to fight your inner critic alone.
Come join my weekly journaling group, CommuniTea, where you’ll feel seen, heard, and understood both by the supportive members and for yourself.
CommuniTea is online on Fridays at 4pm PST, which is the perfect time to close out your week, connect with some amazing humans, and tune into your inner wisdom.
New members receive an entire free month because I want you to feel certain that this is the right journaling group for you before you commit your hard earned cash. Join us here.
CommuniTea is a safe space for introverts and non-binary folx.
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I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.