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    Journaling Kerstin Phillips Journaling Kerstin Phillips

    How to Get Things Done

    When a million thoughts pop up each time you want to try something new, about how difficult it’s going to be, allllllll the things that can go wrong, and how you’re just not ready, that’s your reptilian brain at work.

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    Boundaries Kerstin Phillips Boundaries Kerstin Phillips

    What is Strong Woman Syndrome?

    You might not be aware that you have Strong Woman Syndrome, it’s a side effect of taking the blue pill (that’s not your fault). We are swimming in a culture that condones the beliefs that women don’t matter, don’t deserve time for yourself, and perfectionism is vital to your survival.

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    Five Easy Ways to Hear Your Inner Wisdom

    When you doubt your inner wisdom, intuition, or gut feelings, you stop yourself from hearing your own brilliance. The question is how do you listen for your brilliant inner wisdom if you’ve been trained to ignore it? (and you have been trained to ignore it, time and time again) 

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    Is My Brain My Enemy or My Friend?

    The most ancient part of your brain, the reptilian part, gets stuck easily. It wants to keep you safe and uses everything in its power to prevent you from being eaten by a saber tooth tiger. Your reptilian brain is super quick to react, which means fear and anger can feel like they’re coming out of left field (and like you can’t control them). And your reptilian brain does not adapt well to

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    Journaling Kerstin Phillips Journaling Kerstin Phillips

    The Best Journaling Prompt

    When you're working on a project are you more likely to stand there spinning your wheels or are you taking conscious action? If you're constantly keeping herself busy and distracted you might miss the most important cue.

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    Journaling Kerstin Phillips Journaling Kerstin Phillips

    How to Understand Subconscious Beliefs

    Did you know that I’m a nerd? I am, I love star wars, I love spreadsheets, and love solving puzzles! Both the cardboard kind you assemble on the table and like the ones in the video game Myst, (that most folks renamed Pyst because they couldn’t solve those puzzles). That’s the kind of nerd I am. I’m a nerd when it comes to my weekly quotes too.

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    Healthy Living Kerstin Phillips Healthy Living Kerstin Phillips

    Balance with Yoga and Journaling

    It's okay to feel sad, unhappy, depressed, anxious, or fearful because those feelings are balanced by joy, happiness, elation, understanding, and contentment. The challenge is if you’re not finding that balance, you can feel unsteady and unsure.

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    What it Means to Be Vulnerable

    I used to be in the camp of super negativity where I would say no to every little thing. That meant I missed out on a lot of life. Especially in my twenties and thirties, there were so many fun things that I didn't do because I was too scared to

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    How to Get Clear on What You Want

    When you focus on the things you want in life they come towards you AND if you focus on all the things you don't want they come towards you too. So how do we switch our mindset so that we draw the things we really want towards us and we stop requesting all the things we don't want?

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