How to Feel Intuition
I’ve lost count of the number of times indecision stopped me in my tracks or kept me from getting something done (that seemed super easy to other people). When I’m in that paralyzed indecision state it can make my day feel impossible. So what can you do to move past an indecision state?
Part of the puzzle is tapping into your intuition, it’s your secret superpower that can help move you from indecision paralysis to decisive doer.
During my first year in college, glasses were new to me, I think it was all the tiny textbook text and being on a computer every day that made me realize that I should get glasses, which wasn’t a total surprise because everyone in my family wears glasses. What I wasn’t counting on was how long it would take me to pick out my first frames.
When I picked out my first glasses frames it took literally hours!
I had a friend join me to help with the decision, but still it was agonizing trying on all of these frames not knowing what was right. So everytime after that when I needed new frames, I gave myself a full hour after my appointment to find the right ones. And then the most amazing thing happened.
A few years ago it was time to get new frames so I budgeted extra time at the end of my eye appointment. While I was waiting for my optometrist (before my appointment) I started looking at the frames on the wall and was instantly drawn to one pair. I tried them on, they fit perfectly. I thought I should try on a few other pairs, just to be sure, but they were all definite nos. So for an eye appointment first. I picked out my new frames before my appointment and in about 5 minutes instead of 60+!
So how did I go from agonizing hours of indecision to a 5 minute decision?
with these Two Things:
I built up my confidence and belief in myself through reading and journaling (which you’re doing right now by reading this post).
I learned to recognize the yeses and nos in my body (a.k.a. my intuition). When it's a no I get a tightening in my gut, when it's a yes I feel a release or a softening in the same place. I ask my body yes and no questions all the time and this is something you can do too.
One of the simplest ways to recognize your intuition's yes and no responses is by going on an intuition walk.
I recommend going for your intuition walk in your neighborhood or a place where you feel safe. When you get to a street corner, pause and ask yourself “which way?” (either outloud or in your head). Then turn to face one direction, notice the sensation in your body. Then turn the next way, pause and feel the sensations in your body. Do this for all possible directions.
There will be a subtle change in your body, you might feel it in your gut like me, you might get a flash of a thought or a song in your head, or you might feel a tingling sensation in your fingers.
How your body responds will be unique to you and it may take several intuition walks before you notice how it communicates with you.
One direction will feel better in your body, walk that way and then do the exercise again at the next corner. Do this until it starts to feel normal and less awkward or weird. It may take several walks to feel it, especially if you're not used to tapping into your intuition.
A neighborhood walk is a great way to build these skills because the stakes are low. You're in a familiar place, you won't get lost, and you can go for as long or as short as you'd like.
Journaling Prompt: What does it feel like when your intuition tells you yes and no?
Discover your intuitive superpower through journaling too. Get the FREE Thoughtful Journaling Guide and start connecting to your deeper self in a matter of minutes (and feel good about the process).
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.