The Magic of Being Rejected
As a child were you ever super excited about something you’d done and you were bursting to tell someone?
But they just brushed you off, ignoring your excitement and left you wondering if what you’d done had been so amazing after all.
This is something that I struggled with on a daily basis.
I have a powerful gift to help transform lives, but whenever I try to tell someone (that I think could really use my help) they shy away from me. I felt so disappointed when that happened.
Then the voice in my head kicks in saying, “Well, they just don’t understand what you’re offering. Maybe they’re not quite ready. Maybe you should just let people come to you and stop reaching out because it’s clearly not working.” (big disappointed sigh)
Here’s the thing, EVERY time I reach out and get rejected the most amazing things happen.
Someone else out of the blue will comment on a video I posted, send me a personal message, or tell me to my face how much good I am doing for them and their lives.
They thank me for being vulnerable, for sharing my stories.
And though I’ve just experienced rejection from someone else, the gratitude from those I am helping motivates me to keep going, to keep asking and putting myself out there. Because maybe that person that rejected me isn’t the right fit for me, maybe they’re not ready, or maybe no one has ever offered help in this way and they don’t know how to say yes.
What matters is the energy, when I ask, even if it’s the wrong person, I’m telling the universe that I’m ready to receive, so then the universe can send me what I’m asking for.
What does it feel like to ask for what you want?
You are a radiant beautiful being, shine bright my friend, shine bright.
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I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.