Finding the Courage to Change

“Breaking out of a routine creates a butterfly effect in your life. You change one little thing about your day and it can set off an entire chain reaction.” 

- Mel Robbins

Butterfly and cocoons

When you’re a kid it’s easier to tap into your imagination. A big cardboard box is the best toy because you could turn it into a train, a store, or a house. Maybe you draw on the box with crayons or markers, but most of the time it was just a box and you let your imagination do the rest.

Adulthood has boxes like that too, ones that can be flexible and seen from different perspectives, but as we grow older it's hard to see the potential and our default thought is “well this is just a box that needs to be recycled.”

When I started to break out of the, “it's just a box" mentality it was like the colors of the world got a little brighter, there's more joy for me to see and experience. It was subtle and no one around me could see that I had changed, not yet, the change was so subtle.

I've always loved reading ever since I was little. As a kid I had a reading nook in my room where I sat for hours reading every single babysitter club book I could get my hands on. As I got older I didn’t have time to read for fun, that was just something I did on vacation. How was it that I could barely find time to read? What was I doing with my time?

I was making other things a priority, things that didn't need to be priorities, but things I felt I had to do. I realized I was staying up super late every night watching TV and putting off doing the dishes until just before I went to bed which made my bedtime even later. That meant when my alarm went off in the morning it was a blurry struggle to get out of bed. No wonder I couldn't find time to read, I was feeling like a half zombie most of the day and by the time I got home from work my brain was dead, I just wanted to sit and stare at the TV.

When I noticed my destructive pattern, that's when a shift appeared: I chose to read instead of watching TV.

It helped me to sleep better too and then waking up in the morning became just a little bit easier. And so a new cycle in my life was born!

What's one thing you've been wanting to change? 

One big ol’ thing I’m changing about myself is the belief that I suck at writing. I mean hello, I’ve got a blog and weekly email, I can write the words, they resonate with people. I am a writer. So what will help me solidify that belief even more? Becoming a published author! (gasp!) Say what now??

Yep, I’ve written a book, it’s all about journaling and transforming your life in the ways you want to (whether you know what those are right now or not).

My book needs your help! I’ve got a Kickstarter Campaign to raise funds to publish both my book and a companion journal. Isn’t that exciting?! I’m excited and terrified all at the same time, you can ease my fear by proving that this book isn’t simply a labor of love that you want to read it by Supporting my Kickstarter campaign for my book New Beginnings: Transform Your Life Through Journaling. 

I'm so excited to put my book and journal out into the world, but I can't do it alone. Kickstarter is an all or nothing platform, meaning if I don't make my fundraising goal by May 31st, I don't get any funding. 

Journaling has the power to transform lives with my Thoughtful Journaling™ Method. I've seen the positive impact it has in every Thoughtful Journaling™ Workshop I lead and I want to help waaaaaay more people transform their lives through journaling. So I'm asking for help. I need 320 people to back me for the reward of being the first to get my book and companion journal. Would you like to help me reach my goal and make my book & journal a reality? Then head over to my kickstarter campaign and back my project. 💕

Books and journals not your thing? Consider sharing my project with someone in your life who loves to journal, hates to journal, or has always wanted to try. 


When I Faked My Confidence


What If It Was Easy to Ask for Help?