How to Unblock Your Blocks

When you love and respect someone it becomes easier to open your heart to your deeper self. 

You may have built a shield around your heart from past pain, it's a normal thing to do. When you can let your guard down and encourage love into your heart it can transform the way you show up in the world. 

In my early twenties I was in an on-again-off-again relationship. He wanted me to be something that I'm not, but just what exactly that something was I never figured out. 

I spent that entire relationship trying to be what I thought he wanted me to be and I lost sight of who I wanted to be. 

Through the course of that relationship I built a wall around my heart. I didn't realize it was there but there were signs. 

18 years after that relationship ended, a friend asked me a simple and profound question, “why do women always go for narcissistic guys?” Until that moment I hadn't realized that my ex was narcissistic. As I talked about my experience I felt a shift in my heart space.

A few days later I had an epiphany. 

Quote from Buddha, "You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect."

For as long as I could remember I preferred higher necked shirts. It was rare for me to wear something low cut. It wasn't that I didn't want to show any cleavage, it was that the fabric felt like a protective barrier and I felt safer. 

After that conversation with my friend, I realized I preferred higher neck shirts because they protected my heart. 

With that knowledge I gave myself permission to be a little more vulnerable.

I found that I do love a deep v, especially in my yoga tops. 

It feels like a new door of possibilities opened and I get to explore where it leads me. 

What does it feel like to open your heart?

You deserve to feel love and respect, that starts from within.

If you’re struggling with frustration, fear, or doubt, then grab the Thoughtful Journaling™ Guide. It’s got my no-nonsense easy to follow Thoughtful Journaling™ process that teaches you how to create a safe space, connect to your deeper self, and unblock what’s blocking you in a short amount of time. Grab the Guide HERE 


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