How to Get Comfortable with Being Vulnerable
Our society keeps us separated from one another. The comparison and competitive culture drove us apart. We don't have that same community village culture that our ancestors had.
It's like we're fighting on our own trying to go up a river without a paddle and the current is pushing you so hard the other way. It's no wonder that sometimes you just give up and let the current push you downstream. Because the pressures of our society don’t always feel worth the effort.
When you know that other people get you, they understand you, and they have your back; it can feel so much easier to pick up your paddle and make your way upstream.
I was teased so many times as a kid, that I thought all of my questions were stupid, so I stopped asking.
I was terrified to say what I really thought. That made college especially hard. Most people assumed I was shy and probably not very smart.
It wasn't until I became a yoga teacher and I was encouraged to share just a bit at the end of each class that I found my voice. The yoga studio felt like a safe space and that gave me the opportunity to be just a little bit more vulnerable. Just a little bit more open about who I really am.
The more I shared the easier it got to be more vulnerable.
Then I started to ask a question at the end of each class to inspire my students throughout the rest of their week. That desire to offer more at the end of each class inspired the beginnings of my book.
I wanted to make an impact. I knew the impact that other teachers had on me, how sometimes the simplest words made the biggest difference. Now it’s a regular occurrence for someone to come up to me after class either with tears of reliefor expressions of gratitude that what I said resonated with them on a deep deep level and they didn't feel as alone as they did before.
We need each other to show up as our true selves, that’s the only way to make genuine connections.
And that’s one of the scariest things you’ll ever do, especially if you don’t know who you are or if you’ve been told to hide your true self again and again and again.
When you don’t know who you are that tears away at your confidence and understanding of yourself.
It’s more difficult to connect, communicate, even to function in daily situations.
It’s not your fault if you feel this way.
Our society programmed us to deny our true complex nature.
You are more than one thing. It is normal and natural to have different sides of you, especially sides that contradict each other. That’s the beauty of being human.
You have gifts, depth, and many truths.
What truth are you hiding from the world?
One of the best ways to uncover your truth is through journaling.
Journaling is a form of yoga, where you get to link your conscious and subconscious minds.
It gives you a safe space to explore what’s really coming up for you. When you keep all your thoughts in your head, it can turn into a tornado of distraction, and no one needs that.
If you’re feeling stuck, unsure if your words matter, or not safe journaling, then I encourage you to take my Thoughtful Journaling Workshop.
I’ve got two dates on the calendar, and each online workshop is limited to 8 people so that I can create that safe space for you. That’s essential, we cannot even consider being vulnerable if we don’t feel safe.
Click here to save your seat for the Thoughtful Journaling Workshop on Friday Sept 30th or Wednesday Oct 5th. (FYI this is an online workshop)
You have gifts, depth, and many truths. 💕 If you’re feeling stuck, unsure, or overwhelmed, then I encourage you to take my Thoughtful Journaling Workshop. It will help you go from worried overwhelm to conscious observer of your thoughts, so you can understand yourself better and feel confident in EVERYTHING that you do.
I resisted posting this because I didn’t wanna upset anyone or think badly of me. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to post this because of all those reasons.