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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    The Secret to Navigating Doubt

    Your first instincts are often more correct than your second-guesses. Then why do we doubt ourselves all the time?! I do it too, there’s no shame in it, even if that’s the emotion popping up right now. Bear with me, let’s work through this together.

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    Five Easy Ways to Hear Your Inner Wisdom

    When you doubt your inner wisdom, intuition, or gut feelings, you stop yourself from hearing your own brilliance. The question is how do you listen for your brilliant inner wisdom if you’ve been trained to ignore it? (and you have been trained to ignore it, time and time again) 

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    How to Feel Intuition

    I’ve lost count of the number of times indecision stopped me in my tracks or kept me from getting something done (that seemed super easy to other people). When I’m in that paralyzed indecision state it can make my day feel impossible. Here’s how to move past an indecision state.

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    How to Shift Your Mindset

    If you feel stuck in negativity, there's nothing wrong with you, it's completely normal to feel that way. Why? Because our brains are wired to focus on the negative, it's part of our survival mechanism. Learn how to shift your mindset.

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    Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips Personal Growth Kerstin Phillips

    Is My Brain My Enemy or My Friend?

    The most ancient part of your brain, the reptilian part, gets stuck easily. It wants to keep you safe and uses everything in its power to prevent you from being eaten by a saber tooth tiger. Your reptilian brain is super quick to react, which means fear and anger can feel like they’re coming out of left field (and like you can’t control them). And your reptilian brain does not adapt well to

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