How to Process Big Feelings
Grief takes many forms, it's not just about death. How you process your big feelings impacts how quickly you move through them.
Why is Outside Approval Important?
Do you believe that you're capable? Oftentimes it's easier to see the brilliance in others than it is to see it within ourselves. Let’s explore why that is or isn’t true.
What Do You Call it When the Unknown Feels Familiar?
There's no way I could have known and yet I was totally right, that painted line led us directly to the visitor center.
Why Is It So Dang Hard to Set Boundaries?
There’s a lot working against you in setting boundaries AND hope is not lost! Before we can set boundaries, we first have to undo the conditioning, societal teachings, and limiting beliefs.
Fear and Excitement Feel the Same
Ready for that 5am workout? Yeah, me neither. Your brain is amazing! Its superpower is keeping you alive, but sometimes the way it does that is not beneficial to you as a modern human. Learn what's really happening inside your head.
How to Move Through Fear
Fear is the thing that stops you every time you begin to dream outside of your comfortable box.
Those Pesky Limiting Beliefs
Your subconscious beliefs pop up before you even realize it. When you tap into the feeling first instead of the gut reaction you make life/adulting/everything easier on yourself. Let’s break that down.
How to Stop Saying I Don’t Know
When you’re clear on who you are it’s easier to make decisions, overwhelm is less likely to take you by surprise, and the connections you make with other humans feel genuine and supportive.
The Secret to Navigating Doubt
Your first instincts are often more correct than your second-guesses. Then why do we doubt ourselves all the time?! I do it too, there’s no shame in it, even if that’s the emotion popping up right now. Bear with me, let’s work through this together.
Five Easy Ways to Hear Your Inner Wisdom
When you doubt your inner wisdom, intuition, or gut feelings, you stop yourself from hearing your own brilliance. The question is how do you listen for your brilliant inner wisdom if you’ve been trained to ignore it? (and you have been trained to ignore it, time and time again)
How to Feel More Joy
What do we do when joy feels far away or unattainable? Here are 3 simple steps to bring more joy, happiness or peace into your life.
It’s Time to Stop Playing Small
I used to play small in nearly everything I did. I kept my words to myself. I rehashed conversations over and over again. I was terrified to take up space. All that changed when
How to Feel Intuition
I’ve lost count of the number of times indecision stopped me in my tracks or kept me from getting something done (that seemed super easy to other people). When I’m in that paralyzed indecision state it can make my day feel impossible. Here’s how to move past an indecision state.
How to Stop Ignoring the Things You Really Want
The things we want in life don't always come to us in the way that we think we want them. The clearer you can get on what it is that you want, the easier it is to get those things.
How to Shift Your Mindset
If you feel stuck in negativity, there's nothing wrong with you, it's completely normal to feel that way. Why? Because our brains are wired to focus on the negative, it's part of our survival mechanism. Learn how to shift your mindset.
How to Align with Your Powerful Self
Feeling powerful can mean taking a nap when you just can’t read one more email, saying no to a coworker that nags you non-stop, or focusing on your breath for five minutes before giving a
What are Intuitive Nudges?
Have you ever been with a group of people and felt yourself being drawn to one person in the group, but you can't really explain why? There's something about their energy that just kind of draws you towards them.
Is My Brain My Enemy or My Friend?
The most ancient part of your brain, the reptilian part, gets stuck easily. It wants to keep you safe and uses everything in its power to prevent you from being eaten by a saber tooth tiger. Your reptilian brain is super quick to react, which means fear and anger can feel like they’re coming out of left field (and like you can’t control them). And your reptilian brain does not adapt well to
How to Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination isn’t a sign of laziness, it’s a sign of emotions getting tied up in the task you’re trying to do.